31 maj 2024 - 31 maj 2024
10:00 - 12:30



Doctoral Dissertation defence of Vincent Byusa

Vincent Byusa will defend his doctoral thesis in Economics at a public defence

on Friday, 31st of May 2024 at 10.00 am in B1014 at JIBS.

The title of Vincent’s thesis is  


“Money demand, real effective exchange rates, and uncertainty”


Faculty examiner/opponent:

Professor Sushanta Mallick, Queen Mary’s University of London


Members of the Examining Committee:

Research Fellow with Habilitation Anne-Laure Delatte, Paris Dauphine University

Senior Lecturer with Habilitation Jamel Saadaoui, University of Strasbourg

Senior Associate professor Gazi Salah Uddin, Linköping University.


Reserve member of the committee: Adjunct Professor Dorothea Schäfer, German Institute for Economic Research DIW Berlin/JIBS


Chairperson at the defence:

Professor Kristofer Månsson


Principal supervisor:

Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS

Deputy supervisors:

Professor Pär Sjölander, JIBS


If you cannot attend the defence in person, we offer you the opportunity to follow it on Zoom webinar.


Register in advance for this webinar:

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-05-27 09:52