25 september 2020 - 25 september 2020


B1033 and on Zoom

Disputation i Företagsekonomi - Marta Caccamo

Marta Caccamo, Business Administration, will defend her doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public dissertation defense on Friday, 25 September 2020 at 1.15 pm on Zoom and in B1033 at JIBS.
The thesis title is: Cross-boundary knowledge work in innovation: Understanding the role of space and objects

Please register in advance for this webinar:

Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Robin Teigland, Chalmers University of Technology.. 
Members of the examining committee are: (Bitr.) Professor Susanne Ollila, Chalmers University of Technology, Professor Fredrik Tell, Uppsala University, and Senior Associate Professor Christian Sandström, JIBS. 
Substitute member in case needed is Associate Professor Caroline Wigren, Lund University. 
Chairperson of the defense is Professor Ethel Brundin, JIBS

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School
Senast uppdaterad: 2020-09-24 21:57